Here's a recording of a BBOWT presentation with speakers: Katie Horgan, Rough Around the Edges Project Officer, BBOWT, Rhiannon Flemming, Communications, Funding & Project Officer, Buckinghamshire & Milton Keynes Natural Environment Partnership, Councillor Jane Macbean,Buckinghamshire Council & Chesham Town Council, Andy Gunn, Community Wildlife Manager, BBOWT, Fiona Everingham
Local Wildlife Sites Surveyor (BMERC) and Catriona Bass, Long Mead Local Wildlife Site.
Record centres:
Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre (TVERC) which covers Berkshire and Oxfordshire
Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes Environmental Records Centre (BMERC)
Useful links:
Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre (TVERC) Wildlife Group contacts
Community Actions Groups (Oxfordshire). Support and funding for communities to reduce waste and carbon emissions
Trust for Oxfordshire’s Environment. Providing funding for community environmental projects
Community First Oxfordshire. Community-led planning and action, with a focus on health and transport